About This Website

Mithril.js by Examples was created for new users including me to learn Mithril.js - a JavaScript framework for building brilliant applications.

The website itself is a simple wrapper for the wonderful Flems - a static browser code playground. It contains numerous Mithril.js code samples that can be seen, reviewed and run by the help of Flems. Besides that all examples can be searched or can be listed by tags, contributes, or levels.

But the best thing is: The code snippets are up-to-date and just work!




  • Zulip Chat
  • Use #mithriljs on Twitter and other social media.


The project could not exist without the many contributors, who spent hours creating their code examples and making them available here. 🙏 Thank you!

If you want to contribute, here is our GitHub repository.

About Me

This website was created by Thomas Breuss. It was built using Eleventy, a simple static site generator, together with a few other fancy things.