Flight Booker from 7GUIs

by tbreuss

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: latest

This is the 7GUIs flight booker example implemented in Mithril.js. The challenges here are constraints between a select box and two input text fields. For the state management the Mitosis pattern is used.

The task is to build a frame containing a combobox C with the two options “one-way flight” and “return flight”, two textfields T1 and T2 representing the start and return date, respectively, and a button B for submitting the selected flight. T2 is enabled iff C’s value is “return flight”. When C has the value “return flight” and T2’s date is strictly before T1’s then B is disabled. When a non-disabled textfield T has an ill-formatted date then T is colored red and B is disabled. When clicking B a message is displayed informing the user of his selection (e.g. “You have booked a one-way flight on 04.04.2014.”). Initially, C has the value “one-way flight” and T1 as well as T2 have the same (arbitrary) date (it is implied that T2 is disabled).

See https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/tasks#flight.

Live Example


Type Name URL


const ONE_WAY = 'one-way'
const TWO_WAY = 'two-way'

// helpers

const parseDate = (str) => {
  const m = str && str.match(/^(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})$/)
  return m ? Date.parse(`${m[3]}-${m[2]}-${m[1]}`) : m

const formatDate = (time) => {
  const D = new Date(time)
  let d = D.getDate()
  d = (d <= 9 ? '0' : '') + d
  let m = D.getMonth() + 1
  m = (m <= 9 ? '0' : '') + m
  return `${d}.${m}.${D.getFullYear()}`

const isValidDate = (date) => {
  const isValidDate = parseDate(date)
  if (isValidDate) {
    return true
  return Number.isNaN(isValidDate)

// state

const State = () => ({
  way: ONE_WAY,
  departDate: formatDate(Date.now()),
  returnDate: formatDate(Date.now()),
  confirmMsg: ''

// actions

const Actions = state => ({
  setWay: (way) => {
    state.way = way
  setDepart: (date) => {
    state.departDate = date
  setReturn: (date) => {
    state.returnDate = date
  canBook: () => {
    const departDate = parseDate(state.departDate)
    if (!departDate) {
      return false
    if (state.way === ONE_WAY) {
      return true
    const returnDate = parseDate(state.returnDate)
    if (!returnDate) {
      return false
    return returnDate > departDate
  book: () => {
    book = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)) // clone state object
    if (book.way === ONE_WAY) {
      state.confirmMsg = `You booked a one way flight. Depart: ${book.departDate}`
    } else {
    state.confirmMsg = `You booked a two way flight. Depart: ${book.departDate} Return: ${book.returnDate}`

// ui

const FlightBooker = (state, actions) => [
  m('h1', 'Flight Booker ✈️'),
    m('select', {
        onchange: (e) => actions.setWay(e.target.value)
      m('option', {value: ONE_WAY}, "One Way Flight"),
      m('option', {value: TWO_WAY}, "Return Flight"),
    m('label', 'Depart:'),
    m('input[size=10][maxlength=10]', {
      placeholder: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
      value: state.departDate,
      oninput: (e) => actions.setDepart(e.target.value),
      class: !isValidDate(state.departDate) ? 'error' : ''
    m('label', 'Return:'),
    m('input[size=10][maxlength=10]', {
      placeholder: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
      value: state.returnDate,
      oninput: (e) => actions.setReturn(e.target.value),
      disabled: state.way === ONE_WAY,
      class: (state.way === TWO_WAY && !isValidDate(state.returnDate)) ? 'error' : ''
    m('button', {
      onclick: actions.book,
      disabled: actions.canBook() === false
    }, 'Book')
  state.confirmMsg ? m('h3', state.confirmMsg) : ''

m.mount(document.body, () => {
  const state = State()
  const actions = Actions(state)
  return {
    view: () => FlightBooker(state, actions)


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Flight Booker</title>


@import "https://unpkg.com/water.css@2/out/water.min.css";

.error {
  color: red;

As a prerequisite for this snippet, the latest version of Mithril.js framework is required. Beginners should have no problems following this example, that simply shows some basic recipies.

In this code sample Mithril.js' m.mount API method is use, besides the basic hyperscript function m().

The example was written by tbreuss, last edits were made on 28 March 2022. The author has contributed some more snippets. Click here to see them all.


Did you note a typo or something else? So let me know by opening an issue. Or much better: just fork the repository on GitHub, push your commits and send a pull request. Ready to start your work? Then click on the edit link below. Thanks in advance!

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