Timer from 7GUIs

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: latest

Challenges: concurrency, competing user/signal interactions, responsiveness.

The task is to build a frame containing a gauge G for the elapsed time e, a label which shows the elapsed time as a numerical value, a slider S by which the duration d of the timer can be adjusted while the timer is running and a reset button R. Adjusting S must immediately reflect on d and not only when S is released. It follows that while moving S the filled amount of G will (usually) change immediately. When e ≥ d is true then the timer stops (and G will be full). If, thereafter, d is increased such that d > e will be true then the timer restarts to tick until e ≥ d is true again. Clicking R will reset e to zero.

See https://eugenkiss.github.io/7guis/tasks#timer.

To be done.

Do you have time and are you able to implement this example? Then fork this repo and get ready :-)

As a prerequisite for this snippet, the latest version of Mithril.js framework is required. Beginners should have no problems following this example, that simply shows some basic recipies.


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