HEX to RGB Converter

by prompt-07

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: latest

This example shows a simple converter, that converts any Hex color code to its RGB value. You can enter e hex color and the appropriate RGB value is shown and the HTML body takes the color you entered.

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var root = document.getElementById('wrap');
var userInput = '';
var r = '';
var g = '';
var b = '';
var store = '';
m.mount(root, {
	view: ()=> m(fetchColor, {colorCode: '#4682b4'})

function checkForRGB(userInput){
  if(userInput.length == 3){
  	userInput =

  r = parseInt(userInput.slice(0,2), 16);
  g = parseInt(userInput.slice(2,4), 16);
  b = parseInt(userInput.slice(4,6), 16);

  if( !(isNaN(r) || isNaN(g) || isNaN(b))){

  	document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#'+userInput;
  	let str = "rgb("+r+","+g+","+b+")";
  	document.getElementById('rgb').innerText = str;


function fetchColor({attrs}) {

	const oninput = (e) => {
		userInput = e.target.value;
		if(userInput.length == 3 || userInput.length == 6)


	const onkeydown = (e) =>{
		if(e.keyCode == 13){

			if(userInput.length == 3 || userInput.length == 6)


	function view(){

		return m('div.wrap',
			[m('input.hex[placeholder=#hexacode]', {
				value: userInput

	return {view}


<div id='wrap'></div>

The snippet requires the latest version of Mithril.js framework. It is ideal for beginners showing some basic recipes.

In this example we can see an example of Mithril.js' m.mount API method, besides it core m() hyperscript function.

The code sample was authored by prompt-07. It was last modified on 24 October 2021.


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