Highchart Stream Example

by skyghis

Level: expert • Mithril.js Version: latest

This example shows how to use 3rd party libraries together with Mithril.js and mithril-stream. The external library here is https://www.highcharts.com/ besides Mithril.js' own stream library. In the demo two charts and three buttons are rendered, that can be used to interact with the rendered charts.

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Type Name URL


// app.js
function Chart() {
  let chart;
  let dataStream;

  return {
    view: () => m(""),
    oncreate: ({attrs: {data}, dom}) => {
      chart = Highcharts.chart(dom, data());
      dataStream = data.map((options) => chart.update(options, true));
    onremove: () => chart && chart.destroy()

const model = {
  serie1: m.stream([]),
  serie2: m.stream([])

const actions = {
  clear: () => {
  query: {
    data1: () => {
      const rnd = Math.random();
        .then((data)  => data.map(([x, y]) => [x, (y / 100) - rnd]))
        .then((data) => model.serie1(data));
    data2: () => {
      const rnd = Math.random();
        .then((data)  => data.map(([x, y]) => [x, y + rnd]))
        .then((data) => model.serie2(data))

m.mount(document.body, {
  view: () => [
    m("", [
      m("input[type=button][value=load serie 1]", {onclick: actions.query.data1}),
      m("input[type=button][value=load serie 2]", {onclick: actions.query.data2}),
      m("input[type=button][value=clear]", {onclick: actions.clear}),
    m(Chart, {data: model.serie1.map((data) => ({
      xAxis: {type: "datetime"},
      series: [{name: "serie 1", data: data}]
    m(Chart, {data: m.stream.merge([model.serie1, model.serie2]).map(([data1, data2]) => ({
      xAxis: {type: "datetime"},
      series: [
        {id: 1, name: "serie 1", data: data1},
        {id: 2, name: "serie 2", data: data2}

The snippet requires the latest version of Mithril.js framework. As an expert user, who is familiar with all the aspects of Mithril.js and JavaScript itself, you are able the follow the example easily.

In this example we can see some Mithril.js API methods like m.stream, m.request or m.mount, besides Mithril.js' basic m() hyperscript function. It also demonstrates, how Mithril.js' lifecycle methods (aka hooks) like onremove and oncreate can be used.

The code sample was authored by skyghis. It was last modified on 26 October 2021.


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