Select2 Integration

by kevinfiol

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: latest

This example shows the integration of select2 3rd-party library. Whit it it's possible to search for an item and use the up/down keys to select an item.

Live Example


Type Name URL


<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />


const App = {
  view: () => m('div', [
    m('p', 'my select'),
    m('select', {
      name: 'states',
      oncreate: ({dom}) => $(dom).select2()
    }, [
      m('option', { value: 'AL' }, 'Alabama'),
      m('option', { value: 'WI' }, 'Wisconsin')

m.mount(document.body, App)

The snippet requires the latest version of Mithril.js framework. It is ideal for beginners showing some basic recipes.

In this example we can see an example of Mithril.js' m.mount API method, besides it core m() hyperscript function. It is also showing the oncreate hook, which is one of several Mithril.js' lifecycle methods.

The code sample was authored by kevinfiol. It was last modified on 26 October 2021. Want to see more examples written by kevinfiol? Then Click here.


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