SVG Ring

by mithril

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: latest

This example shows an SVG with multiple paths animated with CSS using delay and stroke offset. The example was taken from the official website at and slightly modified. It was originally written by

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<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>SVG Ring</title>
<div id="root"></div>


#root {


var ring = m(".top",
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			m("title", "Group 2"),
			m("desc", "Created with Sketch."),
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				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1520ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-108 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1540ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1540ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-100 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1560ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1560ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-101 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1580ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1580ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-97 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1600ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1600ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-98 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1620ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1620ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-99 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1640ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1640ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-93 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1680ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1680ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-94 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1700ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1700ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-95 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1720ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1720ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-96 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1740ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1740ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-92 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1760ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1760ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-88 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 10s 1780ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 10s 1780ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-91 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1800ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1800ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-87 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1820ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1820ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-90 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1840ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1840ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-89 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1860ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1860ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-86 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1880ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1880ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-85 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1900ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1900ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-84 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1920ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1920ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-82 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1940ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1940ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-80 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1960ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1960ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-81 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 1980ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 1980ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-79 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2000ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2000ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-77 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2020ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2020ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-78 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2040ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2040ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-71 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2060ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2060ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-72 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2080ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2080ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-73 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2100ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2100ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-74 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2120ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2120ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-75 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2120ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2120ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-76 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2140ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2140ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-83 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2160ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2160ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-62 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2180ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2180ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-63 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2200ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2200ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-69 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2220ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2220ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-70 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2220ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2220ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-64 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2240ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2240ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-65 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2260ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2260ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-66 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 20s 2280ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 20s 2280ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-67 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 22s 2300ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 22s 2300ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-68 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 18s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 18s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-114 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 24s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 24s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"#Path-117 {" +
				"    -webkit-animation: large-shape 25s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards;" +
				"    animation: large-shape 25s 2320ms ease-out 1 forwards" +
				"}" +
				"@-webkit-keyframes large-shape {" +
				"    0% {" +
				"        stroke-dashoffset: 1000" +
				"    }" +
				"    100% {" +
				"        stroke-dashoffset: 0" +
				"    }" +
				"}" +
				"@keyframes large-shape {" +
				"    0% {" +
				"        stroke-dashoffset: 1000" +
				"    }" +
				"    100% {" +
				"        stroke-dashoffset: 0" +
				"    }" +

m.render(document.getElementById("root"), [ring])

The snippet is using the most current version of Mithril.js framework. It is aimed at beginners and shows some basic recipes.

In addition to the Mithril.js hyperscript function m(), here we can see an example of Mithril.js' m.render API method.

The example was contributed by mithril and last modified on 27 October 2021. Click here to see more examples contributed by the author.


If anyone has some improvements, that should be addressed, let me know by opening an issue. Or simply fork the repository on GitHub, push your commits and send a pull request. For starting your work, you can click the edit link below. Thanks for contributing.

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