Hall of Fame

by artydev

Level: beginner • Mithril.js Version: 1.1.6

This very nice example is showing a Hall of Fame of different JavaScript frameworks and libraries. In the live example you can vote for each framework, the number of votes is shown, and you can reset all votes by clicking a button. The example shows how to handle state with Mithril.js, and it's also shows the use case of Better Style Sheets (BSS), a simpler way to do CSS in Javascript directly on the elements you're styling.

Live Example


Type Name URL


let root = document.getElementById("root")

let globalCount = 0

b.css('body', b({
   maxWidth: '80%',
   margin: "0 auto"

let cardStyle = "" + b({
	border: '1px solid black',
	width: '250px',
	height: '230px',
  textAlign: "center",
  paddingTop: '20px',
  ':hover' : {
    cursor: 'pointer'

let layoutCards = "" + b({
	display: "flex",
	flexWrap: "wrap",
	justifyContent: "space-around"

let buttonContainer = "" + b({
	textAlign: "center",
	border: "none",
	marginTop: "10px",
	marginBottom: "10px;",


let buttonStyle = "button." + b({
	border: "none",
  width: "250px",
	":hover": {
		cursor: "pointer"

let hrefStyle = "a." + b({
  textDecoration: 'none',
  color: "#121212",
  fontSize: "1.2rem"

let titleStyle = "h1." + b({
  textAlign: "center",
  fontSize : "2rem"

let creditStyle = "p" + b({
  textAlign: "center"

let claimStyle = "p" + b({
  textAlign: "left",
  lineHeight: "1.5rem"

let unicode = "" + b({
  fontSize: "1.0rem"

let statUser = "" + b({
  fontSize: "1.0rem",
  marginTop: "5px"

function Card() {
  let clickCard = link => {window.location.href = link}
  let report = count => `like(s) : ${count} (${(100 * count/globalCount).toFixed(2)} %)`
	return {
		view: ({attrs: {name, count, clickHandler}}) =>
				m(cardStyle, {onclick: () => clickCard(Links[name])}, [
          m(hrefStyle, {href: Links[name]}, name),
          Claims[name] && m(claimStyle, Claims[name])
          m(buttonStyle, {onclick: clickHandler},
            m('p', [
              m(unicode, m("span", "Vote \u2192 \ud83d\udc4d")),
              m(statUser, (globalCount > 0 && report(count)))

function Lib() {
	let count = 0
	let clickHandler = () => {
	let getPerCent = () => {
		let percent = 0;
		if (globalCount > 0) {
			percent = 100 * count / globalCount
		return `(${count}) / (${percent})`
	return {
		view: v =>
      m(Card, {
				name: v.attrs.name,
				count: globalCount == 0 ? 0 : count,

// I could have done a Json object...this is easier to read
const Libs = ['Mithril.js', 'AppRun', 'HyperApp', "Svelte", "Stencil"]

const Links = {
 Mithril: 'https://mithril.js.org/',
 AppRun: 'https://github.com/yysun/apprun',
 HyperApp: 'https://github.com/jorgebucaran/hyperapp',
 Svelte: 'https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte',
 Stencil: 'https://stenciljs.com/'

const Claims = {
  Mithril: "Mithril.js is a modern client-side Javascript framework for building Single Page Applications. It's small (< 8kb gzip), fast and provides routing and XHR utilities out of the box",
  AppRun: "AppRun is a 3K library for building applications using the elm architecture and event publication and subscription.",
  HyperApp: "1 kB JavaScript micro-framework for building declarative web applications ",
  Svelte: "The magical disappearing UI framework The web's JavaScript bloat crisis, solved. Svelte turns your templates into tiny, framework-less vanilla JavaScript.",
  Stencil: "The magical, reusable web component compiler"

let App = {
	view: () => [
    m(titleStyle, "Hall of Fame"),
		m(layoutCards, Libs.map(item => m(Lib, { name: item }))),
		m('h2', 'Number of votes: ' + globalCount),
		m('button', {onclick: () => globalCount = 0}, "reset votes"),
    m(creditStyle, "Made with the awesome and lightweight Mithril.js")
m.mount(root, App)


<div id="root"></div>

The snippet requires version 1.1.6 of Mithril.js framework. It is ideal for beginners showing some basic recipes.

In this example we can see an example of Mithril.js' m.mount API method, besides it core m() hyperscript function.

More information about this example can be found here.

The code sample was authored by artydev. It was last modified on 02 November 2021.


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